Friday, November 4, 2011


Seriously, guys? ONE AT A TIME!!!
HOLY SHIT. The past few days have been a clusterfuck of stress... Actually change that, it was a clusterfuck of clusterfucks of stress... First, I twist my ankle - which led to swelling and limping the past few days... Then Business decided to rain down a crapload of work on me, and then Sociology said: "Hey, you look like you got a lot on your plate, so here's a MIDTERM WORTH 30% OF YOUR FINAL MARK to go with it"... And for good measure, Economics also joined in with another midterm that is worth another 20 or so percent...

I thought that I was free after this week, but University is starting to rear its ugly head... Still a ton of things to do for at least another week and a half, FUCK... Gah, still got a looooooooooong way to go

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