Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Oh hey, I opened a path
Wingman duties completed. Well, that was fun... A little abrupt, but its okay

I wish life has an instant replay, just so that I can see how well something went... I don't know if it's a personality disorder, but I would really just like to be acknowledge for what I've done and that instant replay would give me a decent argument... I also have this characteristic of "fuck me? oh, well, fuck you too" response to things... I really like to help, but when it feels like I'm unwanted I clam up faster than a whore who just found out her 'client' is broke... It's especially frustrating when you've been a part of the entire process, and then suddenly you get screwed out of it entirely - like that guy that Mark Zuckerberg fucked over in the Facebook movie... Oh well, it never hurts to help others right? Ugh, looks like I really do have a long way to go

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