Wednesday, November 23, 2011


One of the few times that you would want to listen to the devil
Nothing in this world is guaranteed... However, if it's something that is attainable, there is always AT LEAST a 1% chance that you will get it... You might say that the number is way too small to try to do, however I have a different perspective: If you really want something, 1% is more than enough...

On other news, I just performed a McGyver operation to seal a window using aluminum foil, tape, and a couple of noise makers... LIKE A BOSS

UGH, I have to wake up early tomorrow for the stupid new venture... Damn, there really is still a long way to go

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Fuck off
Well, another thing is being "smudged" all over my face... Jeez, really? Is that really necessary? Well mark my words: I shall one day match you... One day, my friend, and I will definitely go to the park, look at the advert, go to the cinema, and then proceed to the rooftop... You will see

On other things, it's funny how not awkward it is for me to walk into a very feminine store nowadays... I say that it's actually pretty fun, since it's an interesting change for me... I dunno, all I need and want to know is that there's still a long way to go

Monday, November 21, 2011


Are you going to fight through the mud, or become one with it?
Darrel Royal, the former coach of the Texas Longhorns, once said:
On the field, anyone will taste humiliation. A player that has never suffered it doesn't exist.
But the first class players, as a tribute to all of their efforts, will quickly stand up.
The average players will stand up after a little while.
And the losers stay flat on the ground.
Life isn't about being unable to weather any storm... It's about getting back on your feet as fast as you can after it... Looks like everyone's still got a long way to go

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Boys and Girls

This song has been stuck in my head the whole day.... Its sounds SO cute until you read the lyrics that are just oh SO insulting... Oh well, I mostly agree with these statements anyway... However, girls should also shoulder some of the blame... It's not just us that are idiots, you know :)

*English Translation*

Boys are always chasing after girls,
All day long,
Always thinking about girls.

But, boys are after all a little stupid,
See, they don't seem to
Understand girls' feelings at all.

Uu, this really won't do, idiot.
Don't you want to know, idiot?
Yup, the most important thing in this world,
I think it's timing after all, isn't it?
Don't you think so?

Why do girls fall in love with boys too?
All night long restless,
Absorbed in thinking about
Why its so dark.

But, boys are after all
Always stupid,
They still don't seem to
Understand girls' hearts.

Hey, really, truly, idiot,
Let me tell you, idiot.
Yup, the most important thing in this world,
The thing you can never take for granted,
I think it's timing after all, isn't it?

Yup, even when saying "I love you",
Even when going on a date, no matter what you're anything,
Uu, even when kissing,
Even when saying goodbye, no matter when.

Yup, the most important thing in this world,
I think it's timing after all, isn't it?
Isn't it? Hello?

Yup, even when saying "I love you",
Even when going on a date, no matter what you're anything,
Uu, even when kissing,
Even when saying goodbye, no matter when.

Yup, the most important thing in this world,
I think it's timing after all, isn't it?
Isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it?


The most important thing is timing, eh? Heh, looks like a lot of people still has a long way to go

Friday, November 18, 2011

Super Sentai Spirits!


The little kid inside of me just had a nerdgasm TuT

What the hell happened?

A few hours before: "Yeah dude, this defense is TOTALLY gonna hold up"
Alright, I've recovered from my totally emo moment from yesterday... It's a routine breakdown for me, nothing be alarmed about...

Speaking of alarming things... The hell, bro? What happened to the defenses? It seems like it just got kamehameha-ed into oblivion...

As one would say, sighs... Still got a long way to go

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Pretty much the depiction of most of my life

I'm just tired. Just sick and tired of fighting alone.

I've been alone for most of my life, and I'm just sick of it. Is it enough to be crying over it? Yes, it is. When you've been through so much just on your own, you just want great relief. Friends and family help, yes, but it's just not the same. Having someone there that you know is there for you, it's just the greatest relief that anyone can ask for.

I'm jealous. Jealous of people that have it, or manage to stumble on it. I know that I've already been blessed so much and it's greedy to ask for more; but sometimes you just think "why not me? why can't I have companionship that is pretty easy to obtain?". Why can't I have that? WHY?!

I miss it. I miss that feeling. That feeling that you know someone is always there with you. I really do. Why is it so easy for some people? Why do I have to go through hell and back just to have a bit of it for a short period of time? Why can't I be the primary option for someone? WHY CAN I ONLY BE A SECONDARY ONE?! JUST, WHY?!

I've still got a long way to go, probably one that is filled with loneliness and sorrow