Saturday, October 22, 2011


How I felt after finishing the BU111 Midterm
Eff yeah! I came to the midterm, I saw the questions, and then I conquered the test! Granted I already lost 6 points right off the bat due to some obscure details that I do not remember, but I would really like to just focus on the whole 'I came, I saw, I conquered' thing...

After I finished that, I had to write a freaking LONG code for excel that failed for about an hour before I realized that I was supposed to use percentage values... *facepalm*

Oh my God, tonight was freaking hilarious... Not a whole lot happened during the meals, but the walk home was priceless... It's so much fun trying to make someone who wants to pee really badly laugh *insert evil laugh here*

What do you call a bunch of white people running down a hill? Avalanche!
What do you call a bunch of brown people running down a hill? Mudslide!
What do you call a bunch of black people running down a hill? JAILBREAK!!!

What happened when a Jew that had an erection ran into a wall? He broke his nose LOL

Watching her squirm and flip me off was so worth the one-way ticket to hell for telling those awful jokes

Well, my burden should be lighter the next few weeks... But it's only the middle of the semester, still got a long way to go

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