Thursday, October 20, 2011

The hell, Psych?! I thought we were friends?!

I can't hear you... Did you say face to the ri--AUGH!

Yeah, that pretty much summarizes my experience with my Psychology midterm... Looks like I'm gonna get my first terrible mark in university... YAY!

On other news, the weather continues to be a little bitch and so does a few people around me... What is this, pathetic fallacy?! Screw off my life, Shakespeare!

There is one bright spot though, as it seems like one of my adopted 'daughters' actually do value me like an actual father. I am so moved by this, especially because she wants my opinion on her life and relationships. I won't let you down! *sheds one manly tear*

Sadly, the torture is not done due to my Business midterm [read: the hardest fucking thing in first year BBA] being in a couple of days and me wanting to shoot myself in the mouth with the use of a cannon... Dammit, still got a LONG way to go

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