Friday, October 28, 2011

... and then, the Letdown

Thanks a lot, St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School... I give you four of the best years of my life, and what do you return to me? The disappointment of not seeing my batch's graduation picture up on the wall when I do go back? HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!

Well, at least my old teacher seemed really excited to see me return... She was like gushing about every little thing that me and my friends have accomplished at Laurier... Oh well, at least I got something to put on a resume off of it... Although I was saddened to hear that my old accounting teacher really did retire... And she was really fun to mess with too, dammit... Nonetheless, I got other things to worry about... Still got a long way to go

Thursday, October 27, 2011


"Wait, there isn't even a game going on!"
Good God, finally! After so many missed cues and chickening outs, seems like the necessary number of balls has been achieved to properly carry it out... Jeez, was that so hard?

Speaking of anticipation... I cannot wait to go back to my highschool... I wanna see my graduating class photo up on that wall and say, "OH YEAH".... It's always fun to go back to a place of memories, which is why I just can't contain my excitement... Ugh, 12 more hours... Still got a long way to go

Awkward Topic is awkward, but it's K

Pictured: something that is about to be turned on
I personally don't really care about talking about awkward topics cuz I'm pretty sure that the other person feels just as uncomfortable as I do... I like to answer things bluntly honest, so awkwardness isn't a foreign thing to me

OH. MY. GOD! DETECTIVE CONAN MOVIE 15 IS OUT! *insert girlish scream here* I've been waiting over half a year for this... I've seen most of it, but it wasn't really good cuz my roommate's laptop can't seen to handle high definition videos... *Sigh*

MOTHERF------!!! Vague instructions on the stupid New Venture project cost our group 10%... GAAAH!!! I feel like slamming something or someone right now... Ugh, QQ.... Still got a long way to go with this project and with my life

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sugar and Waffles

Sugar... Waffles... Get it?
Today, I suddenly remembered a show from my childhood called Sugar: The Snow Fairy... It's an anime about these tiny fairies who love sweets, and the main character Sugar absolutely LOVES waffles... I wonder why I was reminded of this?

Anyhoo, school stuff is starting to avalanche on me once again and it is pissing me off... I just wanna slack off!!! Gaaah, it's going to be a while before I get out of this very stressful stretch of time... Still got a long way to go, man

Monday, October 24, 2011

Ima ga Chance!

Tis' an open lane! GO, GO, GO!!!
Holy crap... The past few days have been HECTIC as hell... For starters, I went to Halloween Haunt last night and IT. WAS. FREAKING. EPIC!! Granted it was kinda awkward since I was stuck with a floormate whom I never really interacted that much with, but it was still tons of fun.

And then there's today... I went to sleep at 3, woke up at 9, ran till half past 10, and then got into some pretty real moments just a few hours ago... I, however, cannot divulge anything as I will sustain injuries if I do so...

Ah damn, it's just the beginning of the week... Still got a long way to go

Saturday, October 22, 2011


How I felt after finishing the BU111 Midterm
Eff yeah! I came to the midterm, I saw the questions, and then I conquered the test! Granted I already lost 6 points right off the bat due to some obscure details that I do not remember, but I would really like to just focus on the whole 'I came, I saw, I conquered' thing...

After I finished that, I had to write a freaking LONG code for excel that failed for about an hour before I realized that I was supposed to use percentage values... *facepalm*

Oh my God, tonight was freaking hilarious... Not a whole lot happened during the meals, but the walk home was priceless... It's so much fun trying to make someone who wants to pee really badly laugh *insert evil laugh here*

What do you call a bunch of white people running down a hill? Avalanche!
What do you call a bunch of brown people running down a hill? Mudslide!
What do you call a bunch of black people running down a hill? JAILBREAK!!!

What happened when a Jew that had an erection ran into a wall? He broke his nose LOL

Watching her squirm and flip me off was so worth the one-way ticket to hell for telling those awful jokes

Well, my burden should be lighter the next few weeks... But it's only the middle of the semester, still got a long way to go

Friday, October 21, 2011

Too much, too much

Oh man, just a little too much drama... I had to go and step aside for a few minutes there to recollect myself before coming back into the middle of the massive shitstorm called life... And then somehow I managed to levy my search for some peace and quite into a way to make a tough nut finally crack... Totally meant to do that

Man, it has been an interesting day to say the very least... Mini-anxiety attacks for my BU111 midterm tomorrow, a few interesting conversations, and a crapload of procrastination for aforementioned midterm... KILL ME NOW

Tomorrow, I shall post here after getting completely smashed by the prototype business midterm... Still got a long way to go

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The hell, Psych?! I thought we were friends?!

I can't hear you... Did you say face to the ri--AUGH!

Yeah, that pretty much summarizes my experience with my Psychology midterm... Looks like I'm gonna get my first terrible mark in university... YAY!

On other news, the weather continues to be a little bitch and so does a few people around me... What is this, pathetic fallacy?! Screw off my life, Shakespeare!

There is one bright spot though, as it seems like one of my adopted 'daughters' actually do value me like an actual father. I am so moved by this, especially because she wants my opinion on her life and relationships. I won't let you down! *sheds one manly tear*

Sadly, the torture is not done due to my Business midterm [read: the hardest fucking thing in first year BBA] being in a couple of days and me wanting to shoot myself in the mouth with the use of a cannon... Dammit, still got a LONG way to go

Peer Pressure

Jeez, everyone around me is blogging... Might as well do it too

I should be studying for that Psych midterm tomorrow, but it's k... I winged two 78s so far so I should be fine

Relationships are so full of BS man, yet still you need it... More often than not it goes like how Ted Mosby from How I Met Your Mother said: Taking a freaking long course about someone, and then when you break up it's all wasted... Basically the emotional equivalent of an English degree LOL

Oh well, it's still early in the year and our lives... Still got a long way to go